Sunday, September 14, 2008

SUPER Busy Weekend

Where to begin...

Friday night we went and did a little shopping, for birthday presents, other items we didn't really need and then to the Home Depot for some paint for my new office (will tell about in another post). On Saturday morning I dropped Rich off at my new office so he could paint and I took Cameron and Morgan to a birthday party at Pump it up, which lasted for about 3 hours or so and then we went to pick up Rich and came home and rested up for an hour or so, and then off to another birthday party. This one was a swimming party and we got home pretty late that night. Needless to say the kids had a blast and so did I. I didn't take the camera to either party so no pictures to post but I will vouch for them that they had fun. Rich wasn't feeling well and so he skipped the second party and took a siesta and got caught up on some much needed sleep. Of course the kids were up a the crack of dawn and so I ran to my office to put it together so I could get right to work on Tuesday morning. Later in the day we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa and had a lovely swim, and then off to church we went. Cameron loves going to his new Sunday school and Morgan even enjoys the nursery and Rich and I get to enjoy church in peace and quiet, which makes a huge difference.

Below are a few pics from swimming at Grandma and Grandpas. I am not sure why I am the only adult to ever be swimming, while everyone else just sits and takes pictures :)


grandpa jim said...

there isn't enough room in the pool for both of us