Monday, September 29, 2008

Almost back to normal

A little over 2 weeks ago I cut my right index finger open on a picture frame glass and had to get 4 stitches and they stayed in for 10 days. This made it very difficult to type and write, so I have been limiting my email and internet use to things only necessary. After 10 days I had the stitches removed only to find out the cut had not closed up at all, and so they used dermabond (superglue) to close up the cut, but after 3 days it opened right back up. NOw they are telling me that there is nothing they can do and I am going to have to let nature take its course. If feels much better and is easier to type. I would show pictures but I am afraid it would make people sick and not want to visit my blog again. The doctor said it should be completely healed up in a short 6 months and I should keep wearing the splint for another 5-7 days.


RPH said...

ewwww! thanks for not showing a picture!
what a bummer! not using your finger is hard!
hope it heals ok. what a fiasco. stitches, glue....all for nothing.