Thursday, July 10, 2008


I would love to post some pictures of Morgan having cake the other night for her birthday, but we are on vacation and I left the USB cable for the small camera at home which is what I used to take the pictures with. But luckily we brought the cord for the big camera on vacation with us. Pictures will follow once we get home.

I can't believe Morgan is 1 today. There isn't a day that goes by that I am still amazed I have a daughter and that I love to dress her up. Her smile lights up the room and she is such a joy to be around. Since we are on vacation it doesn't really seem like her birthday, I feel she got cheated for her 1st Birthday. Cameron had a huge party and made out like a bandit with presents. Morgan didn't really have a party, but she enjoyed her birthday today sight seeing around Seattle, WA and going to the aquarium.

Sorry for the short post and lack of pictures. I will post some more tomorrow. I will also post some pictures of our day at the aquarium and walk around downtown Seattle.

Until tomorrow...


mainely stitching said...

Happiest birthday, Morgan!!