Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bumps and Bruises

Since Morgan has started walking she looks like a battered child. She gets so excited and trys to go to fast and ends up falling down. We are always diving to make sure she doesn't fall into something. The other morning Cameron and I were wrestling in bed and Morgan thought she should join in, so she jumped on back and went a little too far and ended up hitting her eye on the side of our bed which is wood, and received her first black eye. There is a small cut above the eye as well.
Then not more than 10 minutes later she was chasing after Cameron and hit her cheek on the bottom of our bed on the post and has a small bruise there.

We went through the same the thing with Cameron so we know this too shall pass, but is so hard to see them with their little bruises, too them they are bruises of victory.


RPH said...

oh....she is just too sweet. her little face is adorable, even with the bruises!