Monday, April 7, 2008

Uneventful weekend

As always the weekend flys by too fast and I never get anything completed that I wanted to. I always have high hopes come friday but by saturday morning they have all gone out the window and the kids lead the way. I realized that we have only 5 weeks until Cameron's birthday and I need to get planning his party. We decided to have it at the house this year which means we actually have to do something with our backyard. We have really done nothing with it since we moved in. So Cameron and I got out there and started pulling the weeds out of the garden area, Rich mowed the yard and then later helped us pull weeds and small trees that were growing in the garden area. We are far from done, but at least we got it started. I should have taken some before and after pictures but didn't so you will just have to take my word on it and know that we worked really hard.

Cameron had a baseball game on Saturday and did SOOOO AWESOME!!! He got 3 hits and never had to use the tee this game. Morgan did awesome and loved being outside. We bought a lighter bat for him and I think it makes all the difference. Later that evening we got home did some stuff around the house and then Cameron and Dad headed down to the park too hit some more baseballs. We are beyond playing ball in the backyard for right now.
Sunday was a pretty lazy day. Did the laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, went to the grocery store and pulled some more weeds. We did have a marathon of Nintendo this weekend. We must have played for hours and hours, throughout the weekend. We were trying to rescue the princess but it never happened.
I hope everyone had a great weekend and off to a good week!!!