Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Child's Accomplishments

Seeing your child get excited and showing off their pride over an accomplishment is an great feeling and experience. I think they learn these emotions in stages. When they are little they are proud of themselves for clapping, standing, crawling, everything they do for the first time. When you see there face you see this light in their eyes where it all of a sudden make sense, and little smile on their face. As they got older the accomplishments become bigger and they become more proud of themselves. They are aware of the people around them and how they are proud of them as well. They figure out if they keep practicing that they do get better and it pays off. They learn repetition is important to succeed in certain things. Nothing happens over night.
Cameron had a baseball game this weekend and he did absolutely unbelievable. The coach had him playing first base, and he stopped almost everything that came to him, made awesome throws to the pitcher. And his hitting was even better. He was on fire this weekend. He got two awesome hits, and one was a line drive just over third base, and as he crossed the plate he comes running up to me and gives me the biggest hug and has the biggest grin on his face and says "did you see that hit, that was so cool" he was so proud of himself the way he played. The coach and all the parents were telling him what a great job he did, he definitely felt pretty special after the game. He couldn't wait to get home so we could go down to the park for some catch and batting practice.
Lately it seems like we are having a lot of these little moments in Cameron's life. He is learning so much and is like a little sponge. Tonight we were reading stories and he started picking out some of his spelling words that he has had, and looks at me and says "I am going to tell Mrs Flanagan that I saw my words in my stories". He is just so proud of himself that he is starting to read and can recognize words. My little man is growing up.


grandpa jim said...

seriously, sign that guy to a long term contract...the Seattle Mariner's are looking for a first baseman that can hit (they now have Sexton).
Enjoyed your writing...jim