Wednesday, April 16, 2008


This year I had no idea what to get Rich for his birthday, it was back in March. I wanted to do something different this year, so I bought tickets to the NASCAR Subway Fresh Fit 500 at Phoenix International Raceway (PIR). I bought 3 tickets, one for Rich, myself and Cameron. I thought this is going to be so much fun, and we have never done anything like it before. We don't even watch the races on television. The race was this past weekend
We got to the track around 4:00, and there were all walks of people everywhere. There were well over 100,000 people at the track. There were your families, dads and sons, friends and then your true NASCAR race fans. These were the ones who camped out all weekend at the track with their favorite drivers flag flying high, the barbecues off to the side and the endless coolers of beer. I am from Oklahoma so when it comes to Rednecks I have seen them all or so I thought. I never saw so many men without their shirt on and wearing cut off jean shorts, and they had big bellies. It was such a sight to see. But once we got past the amazement of the crowd we had a blast. Everyone was so nice and friendly, they were ready to strike up a conversation with you no matter if you couldn't hear what they were saying. Our seats were located on the 4th turn, the Petty Section, we were row 16.

Our seats sat right in front of pit row which was pretty cool. As the cars are doing the warm up laps and they make that turn to start the race, to listen to the engines rev and the crowd go wild was just amazing and so much fun. Cameron picked out number 88, which is Dale Earnhardt Jr. for his driver.

He waved his flag proud, and people would give him high fives and say things to him and he had no idea how to respond to them. He would shout go 88, go 88 throughout the race. The people around us just fell in love with him, thank goodness. The poor guy in front of us ended up wearing everything Cameron ate or drank, but didn't mind a bit and was super nice about it.

Cameron made it to lap 250 or so and was ready to go home. I will admit I was ready to go as well, not because I wasn't having a blast but this was the first time that Morgan has been away from Rich and I for longer than an hour or so. All evening long Cameron kept saying "I miss Morgan, can we go get her" she stayed with my sister. Which I know they had a blast, Morgan got her toenails painted for the first time, she looks sooo cute. If I could get her toes to sit still long enough for a picture I will take one, I am trying to get one while she is sleeping.
You can say we have been somewhat converted to NASCAR fans. We won't watch it on TV much but we are certainly heading back to the races in November.


mainely stitching said...

I love the pictures!!