Monday, February 11, 2008

Morgan is 7 Months

WOW, time has flown by these last 6 months. I can't believe our baby girl is growing up so fast. She is so much fun to be around and is always doing something new. Morgan is a very determined little girl, no matter what, she will make it happen. Her personality is very laid back, but she will let you know when she is upset. Morgan loves to watch Camerons every move. All Cameron has to do is walk in the room and she is smiling and starting to laugh. One of their favorite moments together is right before Cameron is going to bed, while he is brushing his teeth with dad, Morgan is lying in his bed getting it ready for him. Once he has climbed up the ladder she is ready to jump at him. They give hugs and kisses then off to sleep Cameron goes. So far Cameron is the only one that has been able to get Morgan to really laugh.

Morgan spends her days with mommy and daddy. Most of the time she is at home with dad, 2 days a week she joins me at the office for a few hours while daddy goes to school. I am fortunate enough to have a very flexible work schedule and work from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Everyone in the office loves her and they come down and get their baby fix with her, so I barely even see her while she is there. Luckily we have another baby at the office now so the girls have someone else to bug :)

Morgan was very busy during her 6 month of life.

  • eating veggies and fruits, she absolutly hates the green ones. She will actually make herself gag. Peaches are not her favorite either, but she loves those bananas.

  • drinks from a cup (not a big fan of water, but she is adapting)

  • says Da-Da

  • sits up all by herself

  • can pull herself up on objects

  • beginning to crawl, likes to army crawl