Thursday, February 21, 2008

A little of this and a little of that

The dishes are piling up, laundry is a never ending story, and don't mention the vacuuming and the dusting. I know I am not the only mom out there that feels this way. Everyday I get a little more done but everyday there is a little more piled up. My TO DO List is getting longer instead of shorter. When does the CHAOS end!!! Maybe when the kids turn 18 :)

It has been a while since I have posted due to the Chaos going on in our lives. Just a little update on our weekend and our week so far. Morgan has been battling a fever since last Wednesday, and pretty grumpy to be around. We took her to the doctor on Saturday and her ears and everything checked out just fine. On Tuesday she was still running a small fever and very grouchy so we took her back to the doctor and it turns out she has a urinary tract infection, my poor baby girl!! Once we started the antibiotics she seems to be doing a little better, and sleeping all night again. THANK GOODNESS. Cameron has had a pretty good week so far. We are still having behavior issues with him at school but hopefully we are coming to an end. We think it may have to do with what he is eating at school. For those of you who don't already know we have been having some pretty serious issues with Cameron and school for about 4 weeks now, first we thought it was a jealousy thing with Morgan but we have decided there is more going on. His teachers and I have been working through it and hopefully this too shall pass.
Rich is doing great in school and loving his accounting class :) I am doing well also. I hope you have a great week and thanks for reading about our lives.


mainely stitching said...

Sorry to hear that Morgan's been ill. I heard via mom that Cameron's been having a rough patch at school. Hopefully you're at the tail end of that. Take care!