Monday, February 11, 2008

Busy Weekend

Before you have kids you think of weekends as nice and relaxing. Once the kids come weekends get busy and hectic, but always loaded with lots of fun.

This past weekend was lots of fun. On friday night we all watched Star Wars together. Saturday morning Morgan and I went and had her 6 month pictures taken, we didn't have time to review the pictures after her little photo shoot, so we promised to come back later in the day. Cameron had a birthday party to attend in the afternoon, after the birthday party I took the kids back to the mall to pick out the pictures to buy of Morgan, well Cameron insisted on having his photo taken, so we then had another photo shoot.

On sunday we went to the Arts Museum for Youth. The kids and I went with our mommy's group. There are 4 wonderful ladies and 7 kids between us. We have been hanging out pretty much on a monthly basis since the kids were about 6 months old. The nice thing about the group is when we joined up with each other none of had any type of connections with each other. Each month we try to plan an activity with the kids. It has become very challenging since the kids are getting older and starting to become involved in more activities.

At the art museum they had Jim Henson on display. We learned the history of the Muppets, Fraggle Rock and Sesame Street, at the end of the exhibit the kids put on a puppet show. After this exhibit we headed over to the art side of the museum. This is an area that has different rooms set up for the kids to explore. After about 2 hours of play we decided to head home.


mainely stitching said...

Wow, that sounds like a very full weekend!

Hard to believe Morgan is 7 months old already.