Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mommy and Cameron

On friday night Cameron and I spent some good quality alone time together. Since Morgan has arrived it has become more difficult to spend one on one time with Cameron. We always try to give him his own time with each of us everyday, but sometimes it is just for a short while. He really loves his time he spends with each of us. It makes him feel special.

Friday Rich decided to go out and so that left me and the kids alone for the evening. Cameron helped me give Morgan a bath and put her too bed. After she went to bed I let him stay up way past his bedtime and watch cartoons with me. We talked and laughed about anything and everything. He made it until about 9:45 and then started asking me when it would be bedtime. So we read stories, brushed our teeth and off to bed he went. I love every moment that I get to spend with him, he is such a loving and compassionate little boy. I just wish we could have some more alone time together.


mainely stitching said...

The time you get to spend one-on-one with a child really is more precious than gold, isn't it? Glad you and Cameron had a good time together. :D Everything else is going okay?