Sunday, October 5, 2008

Do I have bad luck or what

Well I posted a few days ago about getting the stitches out of my index finger and my finger was healing very nicely. Still hurts quit a bit but at least it is closing up. On friday night Rich and I were getting ready for our garage sale that we were having saturday morning, and I went to go pick up a box and slipped on a rubbermaid lid and put my hand back to catch my fall, little did I know there was a broom there with a metal bottom. As i put my hand down to catch my fall, I sliced my thumb open, I started crying immediately and Rich didn't know what was going on. He comes over and just sees me crying and blood dripping from my hand, at this point I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry :) Rich says you better have that looked at I think it might need stitches, so off to the ER we went. This was my 4th trip in less than 3 weeks, way too many. Sure enough I needed 5 stitches in my thumb on my left hand this time. I was so angry at this point, I couldn't believe what was happening. You know me I will do anything to get out of doing the dishes :) On the bright side we had a successful garage sale and got rid of all our large items, YEA YEA!!!! We can almost fit a car in our garage. Rich is taking a huge amount to DI tomorrow and then once my hands heal up we will dive back into it.


grandpa jim said...

You don't use your left hand, do you?

RPH said...

oh, amy! You poor girl!