Monday, August 4, 2008

A day at the beach

On Sunday morning we got up and headed back to Legoland for a few hours to finish up some fun and then we headed to the beach.

I could actually live on the beach if I could, this is my most favorite place to visit. It just seems to make everything go away. This was Morgan's second trip to the beach this summer, but only the first time she was able to play in the sand and water. She took to it just like her brother, who seems to be part fish. Cameron loves the ocean and playing in the waves. Both of the kids have no fear of water or the waves, Morgan was running out as far as we would let her and then the wave would go right over her and she would laugh so hard. Cameron loves to jump into the waves, there were a few times when he went under with the wave and then suddenly would pop up, at one time Rich thought he would have to drop the really nice camera and go in and save Cameron, but luckily he popped back up :)

We returned to the beach on Monday morning for a few hours before heading home. Cameron and Morgan were not happy about leaving, but all good things must come to an end.

It was a great way to end our summer vacation and before Cameron starts kindergarten


RPH said...

great pictures! i love all the ones of morgan eating the sand! how cute. looks like a lot of fun.