Tuesday, May 6, 2008


May 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to my sweet little boy

Each time I see your smiling face I simply remember how blessed we are to have you as our son. I remember the day we found out we were going to have a baby, we were somewhat shocked but very excited, and then to find out we were having a boy was even better. Dad and I started picking out names and we agreed on Cameron right away, there were really no questions. We couldn’t wait to meet you and see your tiny fingers, and your tiny toes. Apparently you couldn’t wait either because you decided to come 3 weeks early to meet daddy and I. Once we brought you home from the hospital it all became a reality and before we knew it life settled into routines, play dates, bedtime stories, lots of I love you, hugs and kisses. We wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world.
You are an amazing little guy. I love the fact that you wake up each morning with a smile on your face and you’re ready to start the day with a ball of energy. Your personality is one of a kind, and you have a way of always making me laugh, especially when I am getting onto you for something. You have been an easy going kid making this parenting thing seem pretty easy. You are beginning to show your independence, and you don’t even mind throwing in your opinion now and then.

I am excited to see what the future holds for you. I know that no matter what you do you will be a success.
I love you,


mainely stitching said...

I hope Cameron's birthday was wonderful - by what you've written about his birthday week, it certainly sounds like he's had fun (and will have more!).

Best birthday wishes to the whole family!!

grandpa jim said...

I too like the idea of a birthday week..it inspires confidence, not to mention all the good things one likes to eat and do.
And I concur, he spreads joy to those around him.
Happy Birthday, Cameron.....Love jim and Gaby