Thursday, April 30, 2009


Our life if full of routines but the one that never seems to change is Morgans wake up and morning routine. It goes like this, wake up 5:38AM, not crying but talking and playing if you don't go get her she starts crying. I get up go get her bring her to our bed and try and pray she goes back to sleep but 6/7 times I am out of luck. Downstairs we go, once down there she has to sit in the corner of the couch with both blankies in hand. I feed the dog and then "toot and puddle" comes on and she has to have 4 ritz crackers and a glass of water. I must be sitting right next to her during this process, and then we eat breakfast and then anything could happen.

This morning Morgan snuck out the back door with the dog and played in the sprinklers. She loved it but soon realized it was a bit chilly.

I hate getting up so early but on the other hand I love this special time we have together. We don't get a lot of alone time together so this for us is our special place everyday. I just hope it continues as she grows older. I do love my little girl so much... I know it means just as much to Morgan because when dad gets up and goes in her room she crys and crys even harder when he takes her down stairs.


grandpa jim said...

I sometimes have the feeling the world is controlled my morning people (of which I am not one of)so Maybe, Morgan will be a leader. I suspect she will be.