Friday, January 30, 2009

Cameron....he is getting so big!!!

Well it has been a while since I have posted so I thought I would give a little update on the kids.
Cameron will be 6 in just 4 short months, and the time will fly and he will be 6 before we know it. He is still loving Star Wars, and yesterday he told me when he is old enough he is going to change his name to Obi Won Kenobi and be a Jedi. I keep trying to tell him that they are not real but he refuses to listen. So I will continue to let him live in his fantasy world :)
We are taking a break from any sports right now. He will be starting Karate in February, if I don't forget to get him signed up, better hurry!! And baseball in March, waiting for the weather to be a little warmer on Saturday mornings at 8:00am. Baseball seems to be his favorite sport by far, wonder who he gets that from :)

He really loves going to school and hanging out with his friends. He loves to learn and is doing very well in school. We met with Cameron's speech therapist today to find out what her evaluation revealed about Cameron and his speech. First off you must know that Cameron did not start speaking until 2 1/2 - 3 years old. So she evaluated him on about 10 different areas, and his biggest problem is articulation of the sounds. His speech is actually on the level of a 3 year old and 7 months. For the life of him he cannot say the sounds K, C, D, G. He gets really confused when it comes to these phonics sounds. When Cameron speaks he will start talking and then stop and start over again becuase his mind thinks much faster than he can talk, this does cause a little problem with some of his peers. We then reviewed Cameron on an academic level, and he is on a second grade level when it comes to reading, math, and spelling. So his speech has not impaired his learning in anyway. He will go to a speech therapist once a week for the remainder of the year and then will be reevaluated before school is out and then once again at the start of 1st grade. The only negative thing the teacher said was that Cameron sure loves to talk and entertain the class. I so hope he outgrows this very fast. He has made the honor roll all year long and continues getting really high marks. I am so proud of him.
Cameron just loves Morgan to death and doesn't understand why she doesn't want to be carried around and loved on all the time. She has quite the temper when she wants to :) They love playing together and get along so well.


grandpa jim said...

I am very proud of Cameron's grades, but you know it's genetic starting with the Grandfather